Saturday, April 13, 2019

Bad Grammar Can Be Good Magick

Legend has it that King Arthur's Merlin the Magician made his home in a cave in the Hollow Hills.

So, someone recently asked why the name of this blog is Merlin's Hallow when Merlin's Hollow would "be more appropriate."

It's an appropriate question...

And admittedly, the word Hallow has come, essentially by default, to be used in modern English as a transitory verb defined as  "paying homage to holiness" (as in "Hallowed be Thy name")...

But me being me - being a linguistically-symbolic kind of guy - I've been using Hallow in the archaic sense, as a noun - a Sacred Thing - in Magickal charms and incantations for nearly 30 years.  I became enamored of the profound meaning of the word, studying the brilliant Arthurian/Hallowquest Tarot, and it still works quite well for me.

You see, there are two Essential Truths in Magick ...

1.)  In the Ordinary World, Things are Symbols -
(Cars, clothes & sometimes spouses are an excellent examples of this: easily becoming Status Symbols for many folks.)

2.)  In the Magickal World, Symbols are Things -
(Example: in Hinduism a Deity can be ritually invited to cross-over, entering into a statue, painting or other iconographic symbol - which becomes that actual Deity present in the ordinary,  Material World.  A similar process takes place when ordinary reality becomes affected Magickally-produced influences.

Thus, Magickal Rites & Spells utilize Thing-Symbols (objects, words, movement, etc) to coax the desired Thing/Personality/Idea/Event into crossing-over from the Magickal World, materializing as intended, in our Ordinary World.

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So you see ... sometimes what appears to be a mistake in grammer, or antiquated terminology can best convey the Thing Intended, itself.

Merlin Emrys
~     ~     ~     ~     ~
* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"

Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

You Say Voodoo, I Say Voodou

While I still practice Western (European) Magick,  As an American Bokor ("Sorcerer") Voodoo (actually "Voodou" - see below) is my central religio-magickal focus ... tho' some facets of both forms integrate into the other quite nicely.

I expect that I'll occasionally l refer to Voodoo concepts and practices in this blog, so here are some ways of spelling the various forms of such cross-overs.

There are many different spellings and delineations of the word most folks know as Voodoo.  I use the following  several spellings:

Voodoo - once upon a time, the literary spelling encompassing all forms of Voodoo including  African, Haitian and American practices. Within the past few decades, African and Haitian manifestations of this religious science have taken-on their own unique spellings.  Most recently, another unique spelling is taking its place in references to the practices introduced by Marie Laveau, the foremost Queen of New Orleans, and her present discipes.  These unique spellings are noted below.

I continue to use this spelling as a generic label, encompassing any and all forms and practices of the religion as a whole.

Voudou - the most recently reclaimed nineteenth century spelling now coming back into use denoting the tradition as it first manifested in Creole New Orleans mainly through the efforts of Queen Marie Leveau, and is now being practiced to an increasing degree throughout America. 

Vodou - refers to the practices and beliefs indigenous to the Haitian manifestation of the religion - very much tradition-bound, often with an underlying tenor of fear and anger: facets that once contributed positively to the rebellions, revolution and eventual comparative freedoms of enslaved and oppressed Africans populating that beleaguered island.

Vodun / Vodoun - refers to the indigenous religion in Africa, yesterday and today.

*Voodou* - A personal neologism I use when writing about the combined and integrated beliefs and practices of New Orleans Voodoo and Haitian Vodoun that is the Magicko-Religion in which I was trained and now practice as an American Bokor.

Merlin Emrys
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* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"

Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)

Friday, April 5, 2019

The What, Where, When and Why of This Blog

What, Another Blog?

I'm an eclectic Western (European/American)  Wizard with 50+ years under my belt.  

Added to that is 20+ years training/experience as a Voudou (American Creole) practitioner ... and more recently as a Voodou (American Creole and Haitian) Bokor (Sorcerer).

Having casually taught and guided folks in the precepts and practices of Western Magick, I thought it prudent to put together a venue in which some of these practices can be available for my Magickal Family and interested friends. 

This Blog, unlike my Voodou Blogs is specifically a Western (European/American) Book of Shadows.  Much of it is basic process and procedure - yet I've tired to give important, but often glossed-over details  to assist folks to more consciously enact  the Magicks contained herein.

I am essentially a recluse.  And I have no interest in conducting personal Instruction (or Intiations).  So don't ask, please & thanks.

This, and my Voodou Blogs will serve such purposes quite nicely, I think.

Merlin Emrys

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* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"

Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Ah, so there you are...

I've been wondering when you'd drop in.

Did you know? ... everywhere you go - any place you are - becomes imbued with a subtle memory-form of your presence.

So that, even when you leave - you're still there.

And the more often, and the longer you stay in a place, the more filled-in - the more fully-dimensioned - that implication-manifestation of you becomes.

~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Today being my 69th birthday, and my still being here now, I  thought it may be good to jot a few thoughts on Magick - especially for my dear  brother in Magick, Eric Chu, and you too.  Hence, this humble little Blog.

Merlin Emrys
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* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"

Write to Merlin!

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Copyright © 2019, 2020 Merlin Emrys (aka W. A. Ryan)
All rights reserved. No part of the Text displayed on this Blog may be reproduced or utilized by any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photographic "screen shots", photo copying/printing, or by any other information storage and retrieval system, without express written permission from the author. 

Please send all inquires to the author by Email.