Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Days (and Hours) of Our Lives

- The Planetary Days & Hours -
 And Their Magickal Influences 
(With sincere apologies to Eric Chu)

"In 777 we find 'correspondences' of many classes of being with the various types of operation, so that we know what weapons, jewels, figures, drugs, perfumes, names, etc. to employ in and particular work.  

But it has always been assumed that the invoked force is intelligent and competent, that it will direct itself as desired without further ado, by this method of sympathetic vibrations.

The necesssity of timing the force has been ignoreed; and so most operations, even when well performed as far as  invocation goes, are as harmless as loose gunpowder."

Aleister Crowley, Magick In Theory and Practice, Ch. XIV

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Just as the waxing or waning condition of the Moon affects Magickal Works of Receiving/Magnifying or Releasing/Diminishing Works respectively, the  Astrological Planets - the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - continue to embue our world with their unique influences every day of the week and every hour of the day.

Understanding these Planetary influences, and knowing when they are active, can help add substantial power to our Magickal Works. (And it can especially powerful when coupled with use of the Planetary Unicursal Hexagrams described in an earlier post!)

For every day there is a Planet.  The Planet ruling the day also rules the 1st daytime hour of that day.   

Sunday's Ruling Planet is the Sun, considered an astrological planet, as is the Moon which rules on Mondays;  Tuesday is ruled by Mars;  Wednesday's Planetary Ruler is Mercury;   Thursday the chief Ruler is Jupiter;  Friday's is Venus:  and Saturday is essentially Ruled by Saturn.  

It may help to imagine the overall influence of the Ruling Planet of the Day as a picture frame.  It surrounds the "pictures" - the Hours of that day.

You see, just as there is a Ruling Planet for every day of the week, there is a Planet ruling each hour of a day.  These Planetary Hours are analogous  to the "pictures" in the above-mentioned "frame".

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Now, in terms of Planetary Hours, although the designation "hour" isn't an exact 60 minute span of time, there are always 24 lengths of time - Planetary Hours - in a day: 12 Daytime Planetary Hours, and 12 Nighttime Planetary Hours.  Other than on the Autumn and Spring Equinoxes these Hours are always a somewhat  longer or shorter than 60 minutes each.

- Fundamentals of Calculating the Planetary Hours -

In order to be able to calculate the changing Planetary Hours, you need to know that the Perpetual Sequence of a day's Planetary Hours is a bit different from the patten of their influences on the days of a week.

The Perpetual Sequence of Planetary Hours is always the same:  Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars  - in a repeating cycle ... Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus Mercury ... and so on.

The first Daytime Planetary Hour begins at Sunrise and is always the same as the Ruling Planet for that day.

Thus Sunday's first Daytime hour will be influenced by the Sun, the second hour by Venus, the third hour by Mercury ... and so on.

A convenient list of the Perpetual Sequence of Ruling Planets & Angels for each Day's & Night's Hours is provided HERE.

The Daytime Planetary Hours end at Sunset the same day.

To calculate Daytime Planetary Hours, you need to know the Sunrise and Sunset times for that day. 

Nighttime Planetary hours begin at Sunset, and end at Sunrise the following day.

To calculate Nighttime Planetary Hours, you need to to know the Sunset time for that day, and the time the Sun rises on the following day.

These Sunrise and Sunset times can easily be looked up Here.

These are the 6 Basic Steps for calculating and finding a desired Planetary Hour of which you desire to take advantage.

Basic Planetary Hour Calculations:

  1. Obtain Beginning hour: (Sunrise for Daytime; Sunset for Nighttime) HERE.
  2. Obtain Ending Hour: (Sunset for Daytime; next day's Sunrise for Nighttime) HERE.
  3. Count the whole hours (ignoring any partial, "leftover"  minutes until Step #4) between Sunrise/Sunset, etc: Multiply that number of hours by 60, to obtain the first set of minutes
  4. Add #3's result to "leftover" Minutes (from that final, partial "leftover hour) - Rounding-Off any decimals.
  5. Divide the result of #4 by 12. This will be the total  Length of Planetary Hours in minutes.
  6. Add this amount of minutes to each consecutive hour obtained - starting at either Sunrise for Daytime Hours, or Sunset for Nighttime Hours - following the Perpetual Sequence until the beginning time for the desired Planetary Hour is reached.

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     Calculating Daytime Planetary Hours

Please use a piece of paper and pen/pencil, and follow along, as we go through this equation together...

To find the time to perform a Daytime Magical Love Enhancing Act during on a Monday,  under the Planetary auspices of Venus:
  1. Sunrise on that Monday (beginning the Planetary Hour of the Moon) is at 6:05am.  
  2. Sunset is at 7:02pm (ending the Daytime Planetary Hour of Saturn, and beginning the Nighttime Planetary Hour of Jupiter).
  3. From 6:05 to 6:05pm is 12 whole hours. Multiply that 12 by 60 to get 720 minutes.
  4. Add the "leftover" minutes from the final, partial hour - 6:05pm to 7:02pm (57 minutes) to #3. The result is 777 minutes.
  5. Dividing 777 by 60 gives the length of each Daytime Planetary Hour = 64.75 minutes.  Rounded-off to 65 minutes.
    Starting at the Moon Hour at Sunrise Time - 6:05am -  add 65 minutes to each hour, following the Perpetual Sequence until a Venus Hour is reached.  The resulting time is the Planetary Hour for the Daytime Venusian  Spellwork to begin.
Caveat: Admittedly, rounding-off fractions results in approximate lengths of Planetary Hours. 
Don't get too anal about it (this is me, talking to me as well as to you)...because Planetary influences overlap each other in increasing and diminishing cycles, you'll be just fine planning your Magickal Works according to the slightly approximated times calculated.

* According to your calculations, what approximate time does the Daytime Venus-Ruled Hour begin and end? (The Answer is at the bottom of this page)

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Calculating Nighttime Planetary Hours

The same calculations work for Nighttime Hours,
Let's go through this equation together...
  1. Sunset on Monday is at 7:31pm (beginning the Planetary Hour of Jupiter).
  2. Tuesday's Sunrise is at 6:03am (ending the Nighttime Planetary Hour of Mars). 
  3. From 7:31pm Monday Night to 5:31am the following morning, the period is 10 whole hours.  Multiply that 10 by 60, getting 600 minutes.  
  4. Add the "leftover" minutes from 5:31am to 6:03am (32 minutes) to #3, and the result is 632 minutes.  
  5. Dividing 632 by 12 gives the length of each Nighttime Planetary Hour = 52.66 minutes.  Round-off to 53 minutes.   
Starting at Monday's Sunset Time - 7:31pm (the Planetary Hour of Jupiter) - add 53 minutes to  each intervening hour, following the Perpetual Sequence, until a Nighttime Venusian Planetary Hour is reached.

Caveat: Again, rounding-off fractions results in approximate lengths of Planetary Hours.  
And again, don't get too anal about it (this is me, talking to me, as well as you again)...because Planetary influences overlap each other in increasing and diminishing cycles, you'll be just fine planning your Magickal Works according to the slightly approximated times calculated.

** According to your calculations, what approximate times do the Nighttime Venus-Ruled Hours begin and end?  (The Answer is at the bottom of this page)

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The Magickal Influences Of The Planets -

Magickal Influences of the Sun

Astro Sign: Leo;
Archangel: Michael ("Mee-kai-el")
Chakra:  Sahasrara - Crown 

Tarot Trumps: VIII/XI - Strength/Lust
                                 XIX - The Sun

Solar Influences include
: Joy, Happiness, Contentment, Celebration, Potency, Success, Fortune, Renown, Ambition, Pride, Tyrany

Magickal Influences of Venus

Astro Signs: Taurus, Libra
Archangel: Uriel ("Urr-ee-el")
ChakraAnahata - Heart
Tarot Trumps: III - The Empress
                             V - The Heirophant
                   VIII/XI -Adjustment/Justice

Venusian Influences include:  Love, Friendship, Connection, Compassion, Peace, Agreements, Cooperation, Fertility, Joy,  Can ameliorate jealousy, strife, and promiscuity.

Magickal Influencees of Mercury

Astro Signs
: Virgo, Gemini
Archangel: Raphael ("Raw-fie-el")
Chakra:  Svadhisthana - Lower Belly
Tarot Trumps:  I - The Magician/Magus
                          VI - The Lovers
                          IX - The Hermit

Mercurial Influences include:  Communication (including media and means), Good Fortune, Gratitude, Gain, Memory, Understanding, Divination, Dreams. Selfishness, Poverty, Forgetfulness.

Magickal Influences of the Moon

Astro Sign:  Cancer
Archangel: Gabriel ("Gob-rye-el")
ChakraAjna - Third-Eye
Tarot Trumps:  II - High Priestess
                          VII - The Chariot

Lunar Influences include:  Psychism, Intuition, Gratitude, Safe Travel, Physical/Mental Health, Protection from enemies, Mental/Emotional Disorders.

Waxing through Full = Works of Receiving/Magnifying;  Waning through Dark = Works of Releasing/Diminishing.

Magickal Influences of Saturn

Astro Sign:  Capricorn
Chakra: - Visuddha - Throat
Tarot Trumps:  XV - The Devil
                         XVII - The Star
                         XXII - The Virgin-                                              The Universe

Saturnian Influences include:  Safety, Power, Success, Binding, Protection,  Intellect, Discord, Melancholy.

Magickal Influences of Jupiter

Astro Sign: Leo
ChakraManipura - Upper Belly
Tarot Trumps:  X - Wheel of Fortune
                        XIV - Art/Temprence
                     XVIII - The Moon

Jovean Influences include: Gains, Riches, Favor, Peace at home, Cooperation, Appeasing Enemies, Dissolving Enchantments, Recognition, Councils, Obtaining employment, Success in Court.

Magickal Influences of Mars

Astro Signs: Aries, Scorpio
ChakraMuladhara - Spinal Base
Tarot Trumps:  IV - The Emporer
                         XIII - Death
                         XVI - The Tower

Martian Influences include: War, Male Potency, Victory, Legal Judgements, Submission of Enemies, Bleeding. Barreness, Discord, Conflict, Cognitive disorders/dissonance.

The Practice Calculation Answers -

* The Daytime Venus Hour in our practice example begins at approximately 11:30am and ends at approximately 12:35pm.

The Nighttime  Venus Hours in our practice example begin at 7:31pm (Sunset) ending at approximately  8:24pm - then beginning at approximately 2:42am on Tuesday and ending at approximately 3:35am.

It is my hope that being able to calculate the Planetary Hours will add to your Magickal "Toolbox" of knowledge and practice.

Having taken you through the Process, I will now recommend a free website for those slackers ;-) who want to simple look up the Planetary Hours.  It has easily changed locations, dates and times to accomodate your Magickal needs.  The website can be accessed HERE.

Merlin Emrys
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* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"

Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Up & Down - In & Out

The moon is a loyal companion.
It never leaves. It's always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it's a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light.  The moon understands what it means to be human.
Uncertain. Alone, Cratered by imperfections.
               ~ Tahereh Mafi - Author, Shatter Me

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About a thousand and one years ago ;-) I worked in a major city Emergency/Trauma Unit.

It was common knowledge amongst Staff that on Full Moon nights we were inundated with patients needing treatment for injuries incurred through violent situations.  This was confirmed by checking the logs of patients treated.

One of our attending neurologists theorized that, just as the moon affects the oceans tides, it also affect our bodies, and that the extra "water pressure" in our brains often irritated them.  Folks just plain get snarkier then.

The Moon doesn't just go from Full to Dark, day-by-day.  It is a cycle of increments, with the brightening and darkening taking place over a number of days.

According to NASA, a Full Moon actually only lasts for  the exact moment when the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon.  However, Full Moons appear to our vision to last for 3 or 4 days.

Over a period of approximately 28 days, the Moon goes through different incremental phases, based on the relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun.

When most folks talk about the Full Moon and its effects, they're referring to its illumination when it is actually between 95% and 100%.

That 95% is good enough for Magick, because 95% of Magick is a matter of Perception, as well as Intent.

The days leading away from the Dark/New Moon, incrementally up to and especially on the Full Moon are best for Magickal Works involving gain/increase, enlargement, receiving, etc.

The days leading away from Full Moon incrementally down to, and especially on the Dark/New are best for Magicakal Works involving release/decrease, dimishment, letting go, etc.

Of course, in emergency situations, we must simply do the best we can with the tools we've got to work with.  But the more "ducks" we can line up, the easier and more effective our Spellwork will be.

I consider the Moon Phases as a minimum standard for all Magicks.

There are numerous Websites, Apps, books and Programs available to be used in this endeavor ... many of which include other Astrological information as well.

Here is a user-friendly, online Detailed Astrological Moon Phase & Sign and Void-of-Course Calendar with Location Input(The Location & Dates can be edited.)

I like check this Looney...err...Lunar website pretty frequently, as I like to be prepared for unanticipated Magickal Needs.

~ Moon Void-of-Course ~

The Moon orbits around the Earth, completing one orbit in approximately 27-28 days, called a "Lunar Month" - accounting for the phases of the Moon, as described above.

Additionally, the Moon enters, passes through, and exits each of the Astrological Signs approximately every 2 1/2 days.   Each Astrological Sign "colors" the influences of the Moon with its unique "personality" (making at least a nominal understanding about the nature of the Zodiac Signs essential to the practice of Magick).

Every time the Moon enters a Sign of the Zodiac, there are substantial changes in the energetic nuances affecting Earth and her inhabitants ... most significantly on the contextual and emotional levels of consciousness and behavior.  These changes - because they are experienced mostly on the subconscious level - may not be a part of our conscious awareness at any given moment.

Additionally the effects of the Moon in each sign may be modulated by its position - or contact  ("aspect") - to other planets sharing the same Astrological Sign.  As there are 7 Magickally-Traditional Planets, there are 6 potential such Lunar/Planet aspects.

(I'll be detailing these aspects of the Moon with each Planet sometime in the near future.)

Now, there is a virtual "pause" in influences, beginning from the moment the Moon makes contact with the last-positioned Planet in the current Sign, and ends when the Moon enters the next Astrological Sign. This "pause" is called "Void-of-Course" period of the Moon.

The Moon's Void-of-Course" status can be very short - lasting only a few minutes - and it may be (rarely) as long as two days.

The significance of the Moon's Void-of-Course "pause" is in relation to the question, "What is going to happen when I "do this" (ie. "Cast a certain Magickal Spell").
The answer, plain-&-simple is, "Nothing."  Nothing is going to happen.

This is not the same as the "Retrograde" status of a planet, in which its Magickal influences become opposite to its usual ones.

The "Void-of-Course" is exactly what it says.  "Void."  Meaning "No Active Result.?

So I am confident you can now see the potential reason the Moon's Void-of-Course pattern is as important as the Moon's Phase in Magickal Works. Nobody wants nothing to happen as the result of taking precious time and making the effort required to Cast a Magick Work.

It requires a long and detailed set of calculations to find  when the Moon is Void-of-Course, and can easily be found in various Astrological Almanace, or in any authentic, free Astro programs online such as this same  one previously recommended above.

Now, there are two little symbols used in this program to denote the beginning ▶ - and end ◀ - times for Moon Void-of-Course, as pictured here:

On Thursday the 1st, a Moon Void-of-Course begins at 21:47 (9:47pm) as denoted by the symbol 
and ends on Friday the 2nd at 14:20 (2:20pm) as denoted by the symbol ◀ 

On Thursday the 8th, a Moon Void-of-Course begins at 15:57 (3:57pm) as denoted by the symbol 
and ends on the same day at 21:34 (9:34pm) as denoted by the symbol 

(Easy Peesy!)

While any Magick can be successfully woven at any time, especially in immediately needed, emotion-charged  "emergency" situations - I strongly encourage you to make use of the knowledge and practice of your Magick, mindful of the "Pause Effect" of the "Moon Void--of-Course". 

Da Moon, She go up ... Da Moon, She go down ... Dat Old Lady Moon She go in, She go out.  But She never be gone - She always be there - watching us fools allatime  everywhere:  So Beware! Beware!  Ev'n we can't see Her, She still be there.  So Beware!  Give a care, my frien' - and Beware!
     ~ Old American Folk Song

Merlin Emrys
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* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"

Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Bledsings & Copyrightl CODE

Merlin Emrys
~     ~     ~     ~     ~

* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"

Copyright © 2020 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The "Bicursal" Elementarl Hexagrams of Magick

Generally known simply as "Hexagrams" each figure is  constructed of two equilateral triangles, thus requiring two  strokes to be drawn. Therefore I call them the Bicursal Hexagrams. 

The most widely known of these is often called the "Star of David"  (in Magick it is the Hexagram of the Element of Earth).

The standard  of Bicursal  Hexagrams described herein is frequently used to invoke the Elements and their Planetary Rulers before, (somtimes) during, and after various Magickal Acts of Theurgy.  

One such Theurgic Act - which I term "Contemplative Magick" - can be described as "turning inward to go outward"

This is a willful opening of the door of the Imagination 
in order to travel in one's Light Body into higher Realms of Experiencem, Expression and Being.  

A Sidenote About
Theurgy and Thaumaturgy
Thaumaturgy:  as defined by Isaac Bonewits (author "Real Magic") is, "The use of magic for non-religious purposes; the art and science of 'wonder-working;' using magic to actually change things in the physical world".

Theurgy:  My gloss definition, derived by an admittedly  non-scientific survey of various dictionaries is, "The operation or effect of evoking the presence of a supernatural, angelic or other agency in order to obtain knowledge, wisdom and/or special powers."

Aleister Crowley's definition of Magick, "The Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will" is therefore inclusive of both Thaumaturgy and Theurgy.

Finally, Donald Michael Craig's definition of Magick adds another definitive layer of meaning that really appeals to the budding Theurgist in me: “Magick is the science and art of causing change (in consciousness) to occur in conformity with will, using means not currently understood by traditional Western science . . .

Another Sidenote:
Placement of the Elements
The Element Positions associated with Magickal Rites of  Theurgy are different from those generally known, and invoked during Acts of Thaumaturgy (Earth in the North, Air in the East, Fire in the South, and Water in the West).

The Positions of the Elements as they
are invoked during Rites of Thaumaturgy

In Theurgic Magick The placeementss of the Element are attributed to their Zodiacal positions: (Water in the North, Fire in the East;  Earth in the South, Air in the West).

The Unique Positions of the Elements as they 
are invoked during Rites of Theurgy

This is most popularly expressed through the tracing of the Bicursal Hexagrams of the Elements in the Theurgic Directions during the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram, often performed in preparation and closure of rituals of Ceremonial Magick, following the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

A Few Other Sidenotes:
  • It's my personal experience that these Hexagrams can be, of themselves, a most powerful means to invoke a dimension of Planetary-associated Elemental Presence "upfront & close" into the ritual space and into Spellwork constructions, kind of "amping-up" the available Elemental Power, especially during "high-level" Thaumaturgical Acts.
  • Used thusly (outside of their traditional use in Ceremonial Magick) it is not necessary to move 'round the Protective perimeter, as one does when enacting the Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.
  • Remaining at the Altar or Center space inside the Circle and turning to face each direction is entirely appropriate for this function - because the Elements invoked herein are actually surrounding you closely - deeply within your aura - lifting your subtle form toward the desired higher realm.
  • And, when specifically imbuing such influences into a Spellwork's Symbol-Construction - I simply place the Hexagrams slightly off-center in the applicable directions just above the Construction, with the intention that they both surround and integrate into the Spell's intentional matrix itself.
  • While most of the Magick I do is essentially simple Thaumaturgy, the consistent exception is my interest in Enochian Magick - which is akin to (but also uniquely very different from) traditional Ceremonial Magick.  It is in this specific Work, that I am cautioned by Guidance to  include performances of the Lesser Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram

As mentioned above, Bicursal Hexagrams  can render the Elements in their various Planetary expressions.   The traditional tracings given herein are the general standard for both Thaumaturgic and Theurgic Magicks, all of which - with one exception - are ascribed to the Planetary Influence of Jupiter, which naturally magnifies the manifestation of those Elements.  The single exception being the Water Element, which is inherently amplified by the Moon's influence ... as evidenced by the measurable power of the Moon's actions on the earthly-manifest element of water.

A Few More Other Sidenotes:  
  • There are as systems of Magick as there are Practitioners.  Various practitioners trace Pentagrams and Hexagrams in their own personal style, order and direction...
  • You may notice that I consistently trace these sacred symbols in a Clockwise (Sunwise) direction when Invoking, and a Counter-clockwise (Anti-Sunwise) direction when Releasing. This is akin to the Solar-associated Setting and Releasing of the Circle in Wiccan and Ceremonial Magick rites.
  • In Golden Dawn-inspired Theurgic Rites (including some of Aleister Crowley's) the ostensibly Religio-Magickal Word "ARARITA" is often intoned into the space in which the invoking Hexagram is traced.  ARARITA is a notariqon for the Hebrew phrase "Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad" meaning "One is His/The Beginning, One is His/The Individuality, His/The Permutation is One."
  • For those of you who enjoy a bit of mental-masturbatory overwhelm, this Kabalistic Word's Magickal use was most explicitly described by Eliphas Levi (the magickian who drew the most-popular image of Baphomet) in his 1896 tome, Transcendental Magic, wherein he states that ...

    ... ARARITA is: "the
     verbum inenarrabile ["unspeakable"] of the sages of the Alexandrian School," which "Hebrew Kabalists wrote Javeh [same as "Yaweh" - often mispronounced "Jehovah"] and interpreted by the sound Ararita, thus expressing the triplicity of the secondary kabalistic principle, the dualism of the means and the equal unity of the first and final principle, as well as the alliance between the triad [three] and the tetrad [four] in a word composed of four letters, which form seven [3+4=7] by means of a triple and double repetition."  (Whew!)

- Invoking and Releasing the Bicursal Hexagrams -

The Theurgic Element of Water
Trace to the Northern Direction
Planetary Influence: Moon
Traditional Archangel: Gabriel ("Gah-bree-el")
Enochian King: Raagiosl ("Rah-ah-gee-oh-sell")
Kabalistic Magick Word: ARARITA ("Ah-rah-ree-tuh")

Starting at the Top Point of the Lower Triangle, trace the
Lower Triangle in a clockwise direction.

Then, starting at the Bottom Point of the Upper Triangle, trace the Upper Triangle in a clockwise direction.
(These are two separate motions)

Starting at the Top Point of the Lower Triangle, trace the Lower Triangle in a counter-clockwise direction.

Then, starting at the Bottom Point of the Upper Triangle, trace the Upper Triangle in a counter-clockwise direction.
(These are two separate motions)

The Theurgic Element of Fire
Trace to the Eastern Direction
Planetary Influence: Jupiter
Traditional Archangel: Michael ("Mee-(c)hi-el")
Enochian King: Edlprnaa ("Eh-del-par-nah-ah")
Kabalistic Magick Word: ARARITA ("Ah-rah-ree-tuh")

Starting at the Top Point of the Upper Triangle, trace the Upper Triangle in a clockwise direction.

Then, starting at the Top Point of the Lower Triangle, trace the Lower Triangle in a clockwise direction

Starting at the Top Point of the Upper Triangle, trace the Upper Triangle in a counter-clockwise direction.

Then, starting at the Top Point of the Lower Triangle, trace the Lover Triangle in a counter-clockwise direction.

The Theurgic Element of Earth
Trace to the Southern Direction
Planetary Influence: Jupiter
Traditional Archangel: Uriel ("Ur-ee-el")
Enochian King: Ikzhikal ("Ee-keh-zeh-hee-kal")
Kabalistic Magick Word: ARARITA ("Ah-rah-ree-tuh")

Starting at the Top Point of the Upright Triangle, trace that Triangle in a clockwise direction.

Then, starting at the Bottom Point of the Inverted Triangle, trace that Triangle in a clockwise direction.

Starting at the Top Point of the Upright Triangle, trace that Triangle in a counter-clockwise direction.

Then, starting at the Bottom Point of the Inverted Triangle, trace that Triangle in a counter-clockwise direction.

The Theurgic Element of Air
Trace to the Western Direction
Traditional Archangel: Raphael ("Raw-fie-el")
Enochian King: Bataivah ("Bah-tah-ee-vah-heh")
Kabalistic Magick Word: ARARITA ("Ah-rah-ree-tuh")

Starting at the Top Point of the Upper Triangle, trace that Triangle in a clockwise direction.

Then, starting at the Bottom Point of the Lower Triangle, trace that Triangle in a clockwise direction.

Starting at the Top Point of the Upper Triangle, trace that Triangle in a counter-clockwise direction.

Then, starting at the Bottom Point of the Lower Triangle, trace that Triangle in a counter-clockwise direction.

- Ruling Entities and Their Names -
I often intone the name of a Ruling Entity associated with the Element when tracing these Hexagrams - usually either the Traditional Archangels or Enochian Kings, as indicated above.

Other practitioners call the names of Entities with whom they have a psychic connection.  (Others do not intone  any names - other than, perhaps, the Cabalistic Magickal Word, ARARITA - letting The Magick Itself suffice.)

It's important to have a humble, respectful attitude when Calling upon Other-Dimensional Entities.    They attend our little Magicks because They choose to ... we have no "power over" Them.

In fact, you may have noticed that I use the word "Releasing" in place of the usual word, "Banishing" (except when referring to the intentional Banishing of "psychic dross" in such rites as the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or Hexagram.  "Releasing" is an expression of gracious humility.

And, as always, it is good form to humbly express your  gratitude to the Ruling Entity, whenever tracing the Releasing Hexagram patterns.

There are numerous uses, forms and associated entities for the Bicursal Hexagrams of Magick.

I hope you will find their simple use as described here inspiring you toward further research on, and deeper experience and understanding of the extraordinary Magick of the often underrated "ordinary" Hexagram.

More Advanced Information About Planetary-
Influenced Element Hexagrams is Here.

Merlin Emrys
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* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"

Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)