Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Pentagrams of the Elements

The Pentagram is a 5-point Star

Upright, as pictured here, the Pentagram is not anti-religion, evil, or "Satanic".

The Pentagram is a living, sacred Symbol of the Universe, built of the four Magickal Elements, and held within the substance of Spirit.

Now, the Pentagram is not only a Symbol...

When Magickally invoked, the Pentagram can bring the Substance of Spirit and the Elements of Manifestation directly into our Ordinary World.

Keep in mind that - because there are infinite layers of meaning and value inherent in the Pentagram, every Practitioner of Magick - be they Sorcerer, Wizard, Wiccan or Ceremonial Magickian - has their own unique ritual process and experienced reasons for invoking the Pentagram.

For the most part, I prefer my Thaumaturgy (Magick that effects Manifestations in our ordinary, physical-world) fairly uncomplicated ... a style that works well for me,  tho' I respect & understand the reasoning for more elaborate rites, such as the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or Hexagram.

Invoking, and later Releasing the Elements and Spirit of Magick is a simple matter of drawing (actually inscribing) Pentagrams into the air (actually into the Fabric of Reality) in certain patterns, as shown below.

Many practitioners use similar rituals - often with methods of drawing the Pentagrams different from mine - to call the Elemental Watchtowers of the four Directions, when casting a Magickal Circle.

My Thaumaturgic method of Element-Invocation is the result years of Magickal study, experimentation, and experience,  including decades of Vibrational Healing work with Chakras and the Subtle Body Energy System.

So, starting at the beginning - let's take a quick gander at the Spirit and the four Elements of Manifestation, and their relationships to the Points of the Star known as the Pentagram ...

Spirit occupies the uppermost Point of the Pentagram.
The traditional color of Spirit - which corresponds to the uppermost physical Crown Chakra - is Violet.

You'll have to decide exactly what Spirit  means to you...

Among other ideas for me, Spirit includes Deity as well as the "Akashic Substance" - the above-mentioned imminent and actual Fabric of Reality ... which includes Space, Time and Distance in a kind of infinitely elastic, inclusive, interactive adhesive-like venue that holds potential and substantial Reality together.

(Most Magickians agree that Spirit is not an Element).

Earth is located in the Left Lower Point of the Pentagram, and is traditionally experienced in shades of Green.

My experience of the Earth Element is that it is that it is Mother-like, Passively-Receptive, healing, forgiving, grounding, moist, cold, stable and solid.  

The physical characteristics of earth in a garden, or potting soil are the results of the Earth Element manifested.

How do you experience Earth, interiorly?

Magically, the Earth Element is called upon to act on the physical substance of our world.

The Tarot Trump XXI - The Virgin/The Universe - is attributed to the Element Earth, and while our Earth planet is on the Physical plane, the Northern Watchtower of Earth exists on the Etheric plane.

Air is located in the Left Upper Point of the Pentagram, and is traditionally designated the color Yellow.

There are varied streams and gusts of wind throughout the year where I live, and the physical sensations bring to mind the rage and constantly changing nature of thoughts that pass through my mind.

What is your internal experience of the Element Air?

Magically, the Air Element, which is Receptively-Active,  is associated with, and called upon to manifest mental and intellectually-connected pursuits.  

The Tarot Trump 0 - The Fool is attributed to the Air, and the Eastern Watchtower of Air exists on the Mental Plane.

Fire is located in the Lower Right Point of the Pentagram, and is traditionally seen as Red.

My Magickal experience of the Element of Fire is that it is pure energy, hot, dry, Actively-Active, consuming and expansive.

What is your experience when you think of the Element Fire?

Magically, the Fire Element is invoked when great, consuming energy is desired.   Due to Fire's " hot, consuming nature, it is often evoked in Healings of infections - as well as to provide substantial enegy to one who is weak from sickness.

The Tarot Trump XX - Judgement/The Aeon is attributed to Fire (and Spirit) and the  Southern Watchtower of the  Element of Fire exists on the Causal plane.

Water is located in the Upper Right Point of the Pentagram, and is traditionally accepted as the Blue-colored Element.
I experience the Magickal Water Ellement as wet (of course!),  cold, Actively-Receptive, ever-ready to change in direction and volume, and is the flow, ebb and tide of Emotions.  The tides can be gentle, like that of a little brook, all the way up to devastating  like a Tsunami!

What do you experience interiorly when contemplating the Water Element?

The Water Element is called upon when Emotions are intended to be affected.  Most knowledgable, experienced practitioners avoid Spell-Works that involve forcing a person into love/intimacy.  Such will always end up disastrously!

The Tarot Trump XII - The Hanged Man is attributed to the Element Water, and the Western Watchtower of Water exists on the Astral plane.

Drawing The Magickal Pentagrams 
(The Merlin Emrys Method)

The Pentagrams of Spirit are usually reserved for special Magickal functions.  They are included here to incite your Magickal Imagination.

Spirit Invoking Pentagram

(Nature: Spirit Active;  Color: Violet)

Beginning at Top Point, draw Pentagram clockwise, returning to Top Point

Spirit Releasing Pentagram
(Nature: Into Dormancy;  Color: Withdrawing 

Beginning at Top Point, draw Pentagram
counter-clockwise, returning to Top Point

Earth Element Invoking Pentagram

(Place: North;  Color: Green)

Beginning at Left Lower Point, draw Pentagram clockwise, returning to Lower Left point.

Earth Element Releasing Pentagram
(Nature: Going Dormant;  Color: Withdrawing)

Beginning at Left Lower Point, draw Pentagram counter-clockwise, returning to Lower Left Point.

Air Element Invoking Pentagram
(Place: East;  Color: Yellow)

Beginning at Upper Left Point, draw Pentagram clockwise, returning to Upper Left Point.

Air Element Releasing Pentagram
(Nature: Going Dormant;  Color: Withdrawing)

Beginning at Upper Left Point, draw Pentagram counter-clockwise, returning to Upper Left Point.

Fire Element Invoking Pentagram
(Place: South;   Color: Red)

Beginning at Lower Right Point, draw Pentagram clockwise, returning Lower Right Point.

Fire Element Releasing Pentagram
(Nature: Going Dormant;  Color: Withdrawing)

Beginning at Lower Right Point, draw Pentagram counter-clockwise, ending at Lower Right Point.

Water Element Invoking Pentagram
(Place: West;  Color: Blue)

Beginning at Upper Right Point, draw Pentagram clockwise, ending at Upper Right Point.

Water Element Releasing Pentagram
(Nature: Going Dormant;  Color: Withdrawing)

Beginning at Upper Right Point, draw Pentagram counter-clockwise, ending at Upper Right Point.

I hope you'll find my simple system for calling upon the Sacred Elements with these Pentagrams useful in your Magickal practices.

Merlin Emrys
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* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"

Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)