The Unicursal Hexagram is a six-pointed Star that can be drawn with a single, continuous line ("Uni" = one; "Cursal" = able to be drawn).
Although popularly believed to be the invention of the Great & Wonderful Wizard - Aleister Crowley - it was already in occult use by the Roman Catholic Ordre Martiniste in the early 1880s, when Crowley would have been about 7 or 8 years old.
Interestingly, the Roman Catholic Saint, Blaise Pascal alluded to the Unicursal Hexagram in his Hexagrammum Mysticum Theorem, sometime in the early 1600s.
The Thoth Tarot deck did not include the above image until 1977 - eight years after the deck was first published.
Interestingly, the Roman Catholic Saint, Blaise Pascal alluded to the Unicursal Hexagram in his Hexagrammum Mysticum Theorem, sometime in the early 1600s.
The Thoth Tarot deck did not include the above image until 1977 - eight years after the deck was first published.
Taking a little sidestep, we come to "The Hexagram"...
Once thought to be the only possible form, and still known today simply as "The Hexagram" (aka "Star of David") is composed of two interlocking triangles.
I've posted a more recent commentary on the Magickal use of this Hexagram, which I call the Bicursal Hexagram.
I've posted a more recent commentary on the Magickal use of this Hexagram, which I call the Bicursal Hexagram.
Like the Pentagram, the Unicursal Hexagram has infinite layers of metaphysical meaning and value.
And like the Pentagram, the Unicursal Hexagram can powerfully Invoke specific Magickal energetic forces - in particular, the influences of the Planets, Sun and Moon. I generally use Unicursal Hexagrams when performing Planetary Magick.
Drawing the Planetary Unicursal Hexagrams
You may notice that I consistently trace these sacred symbols in a Clockwise (Sunwise) direction when Invoking, and a Counter-clockwise (Anti-Sunwise) direction when Releasing. This is akin to the Solar-associated Setting and Releasing of the Circle in Wiccan and Ceremonial Magick rites.
Drawing the Planetary Unicursal Hexagrams
You may notice that I consistently trace these sacred symbols in a Clockwise (Sunwise) direction when Invoking, and a Counter-clockwise (Anti-Sunwise) direction when Releasing. This is akin to the Solar-associated Setting and Releasing of the Circle in Wiccan and Ceremonial Magick rites.
Unicursal Hexagram of the Sun
Astro Sign: Leo;Chakra: Sahasrara - Crown
Tarot Trumps: VIII/XI - Strength/Lust
XIX - The Sun
Solar Influences include: Joy, Happiness, Contentment, Celebration, Potency, Success, Fortune, Renown, Ambition, Pride, Tyrany
Invoking: Begin and end drawing at Center Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving clockwise.
Releasing: Begin and end drawing at Center Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving counter-clockwise
Universal Hexagram of Mercury
Astro Signs: Virgo, Gemini
Chakra: Svadhisthana - Lower Belly
Tarot Trumps: I - The Magician/Magus
VI - The Lovers
IX - The Hermit
Mercurial Influences include: Communication (including media and means), Good Fortune, Gratitude, Gain, Memory, Understanding, Divination, Dreams. Selfishness, Poverty, Forgetfulness.
Astro Signs: Virgo, Gemini
Chakra: Svadhisthana - Lower Belly
Tarot Trumps: I - The Magician/Magus
VI - The Lovers
IX - The Hermit
Mercurial Influences include: Communication (including media and means), Good Fortune, Gratitude, Gain, Memory, Understanding, Divination, Dreams. Selfishness, Poverty, Forgetfulness.
Releasing: Begin and end drawing at Lower Left Point. Line meets Top Point while moving counter-clockwise.
Unicursal Hexagram of Venus
Astro Signs: Taurus, Libra
Tarot Trumps: III - The Empress
V - The Heirophant
VIII/XI - Adjustment/Justice
Venusian Influences include: Taurus, Libra - Love, Friendship, Connection, Compassion, Peace, Agreements, Cooperation, Fertility, Joy, Can ameliorate jealousy, strife, and promiscuity.
Invoking: Begin and end drawing at Lower Right Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving clockwise.
Releasing: Begin and end drawing at Lower Right Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving counter-clockwise.
Unicursal Hexagram of the Moon (Luna)
Astro Sign: Cancer
Chakra: Ajna - Third-Eye
Tarot Trumps: II - High Priestess
VII - The Chariot
Lunar Influences include: Psychism, Intuition, Gratitude, Safe Travel, Physical/Mental Health, Protection from enemies, Mental/Emotional Disorders.
Tarot Trumps: II - High Priestess
VII - The Chariot
Lunar Influences include: Psychism, Intuition, Gratitude, Safe Travel, Physical/Mental Health, Protection from enemies, Mental/Emotional Disorders.
Waxing through Full = Works of Receiving/Magnifying; Waning through Dark = Works of Releasing/Diminishing.
Invoking: Begin and end drawing at Bottom Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving clockwise.
Releasing: Begin and end drawing at Bottom Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving counter-clockwise.
Unicursal Hexagram of Mars
Astro Sign: Leo
Chakra: Manipura - Upper Belly
Tarot Trumps: X - Wheel of Fortune
XIV - Art/Temprence
XVIII - The Moon
Jovean Influences include: Gains, Riches, Favor, Peace at home, Cooperation, Appeasing Enemies, Dissolving Enchantments, Recognition, Councils, Obtaining employment, Success in Court cases.
Invoking: Begin and end drawing at Upper Right Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving clockwise.
Releasing: Begin and end drawing at Upper Right Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving counter-clockwise.
Astro Signs: Aries, Scorpio
Chakra: Muladhara - Spinal Base
Tarot Trumps: IV - The Emporer
XIII - Death
XVI - The Tower
Martian Influences include: War, Male Potency, Victory, Legal Judgements, Submission of Enemies, Bleeding. Barreness, Discord, Conflict, Cognitive disorders/dissonance.
Chakra: Muladhara - Spinal Base
Tarot Trumps: IV - The Emporer
XIII - Death
XVI - The Tower
Martian Influences include: War, Male Potency, Victory, Legal Judgements, Submission of Enemies, Bleeding. Barreness, Discord, Conflict, Cognitive disorders/dissonance.
Invoking: Begin and end drawing at Upper Left Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving clockwise.
Releasing: Begin and end drawing at Upper Left Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving counterclockwise.
Astro Sign: Leo
Chakra: Manipura - Upper Belly
Tarot Trumps: X - Wheel of Fortune
XIV - Art/Temprence
XVIII - The Moon
Jovean Influences include: Gains, Riches, Favor, Peace at home, Cooperation, Appeasing Enemies, Dissolving Enchantments, Recognition, Councils, Obtaining employment, Success in Court cases.
Invoking: Begin and end drawing at Upper Right Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving clockwise.
Releasing: Begin and end drawing at Upper Right Point. Line meets the Top Point while moving counter-clockwise.
Unicursal Hexagram of Saturn
Astro Sign: Capricorn
Chakra: - Visuddha - Throat
Tarot Trumps: XV - The Devil
XVII - The Star
XXII - The Virgin- The Universe
Saturnian Influences include: Safety, Power, Success, Binding, Protection, Intellect, Discord, Melancholy.
Invoking: Begin and end drawing clockwise at Top Point.
Releasing: Begin and end drawing counter-clockwise at Top Point.
Astro Sign: Capricorn
Chakra: - Visuddha - Throat
Tarot Trumps: XV - The Devil
XVII - The Star
XXII - The Virgin- The Universe
Saturnian Influences include: Safety, Power, Success, Binding, Protection, Intellect, Discord, Melancholy.
Invoking: Begin and end drawing clockwise at Top Point.
Releasing: Begin and end drawing counter-clockwise at Top Point.
I hope you'll find these techniques of my simple Magick useful and satisfying.
Merlin Emrys
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* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"
Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)
Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)