- The Planetary Days & Hours -
And Their Magickal Influences
(With sincere apologies to Eric Chu)
"In 777 we find 'correspondences' of many classes of being with the various types of operation, so that we know what weapons, jewels, figures, drugs, perfumes, names, etc. to employ in and particular work.
But it has always been assumed that the invoked force is intelligent and competent, that it will direct itself as desired without further ado, by this method of sympathetic vibrations.
The necesssity of timing the force has been ignoreed; and so most operations, even when well performed as far as invocation goes, are as harmless as loose gunpowder."
Aleister Crowley, Magick In Theory and Practice, Ch. XIV
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Just as the waxing or waning condition of the Moon affects Magickal Works of Receiving/Magnifying or Releasing/Diminishing Works respectively, the Astrological Planets - the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - continue to embue our world with their unique influences every day of the week and every hour of the day.
For every day there is a Planet. The Planet ruling the day also rules the 1st daytime hour of that day.
Sunday's Ruling Planet is the Sun, considered an astrological planet, as is the Moon which rules on Mondays; Tuesday is ruled by Mars; Wednesday's Planetary Ruler is Mercury; Thursday the chief Ruler is Jupiter; Friday's is Venus: and Saturday is essentially Ruled by Saturn.
It may help to imagine the overall influence of the Ruling Planet of the Day as a picture frame. It surrounds the "pictures" - the Hours of that day.
You see, just as there is a Ruling Planet for every day of the week, there is a Planet ruling each hour of a day. These Planetary Hours are analogous to the "pictures" in the above-mentioned "frame".
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Now, in terms of Planetary Hours, although the designation "hour" isn't an exact 60 minute span of time, there are always 24 lengths of time - Planetary Hours - in a day: 12 Daytime Planetary Hours, and 12 Nighttime Planetary Hours. Other than on the Autumn and Spring Equinoxes these Hours are always a somewhat longer or shorter than 60 minutes each.
- Fundamentals of Calculating the Planetary Hours -
In order to be able to calculate the changing Planetary Hours, you need to know that the Perpetual Sequence of a day's Planetary Hours is a bit different from the patten of their influences on the days of a week.The Perpetual Sequence of Planetary Hours is always the same: Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars - in a repeating cycle ... Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus Mercury ... and so on.
The first Daytime Planetary Hour begins at Sunrise and is always the same as the Ruling Planet for that day.
Thus Sunday's first Daytime hour will be influenced by the Sun, the second hour by Venus, the third hour by Mercury ... and so on.
A convenient list of the Perpetual Sequence of Ruling Planets & Angels for each Day's & Night's Hours is provided HERE.
The Daytime Planetary Hours end at Sunset the same day.
To calculate Daytime Planetary Hours, you need to know the Sunrise and Sunset times for that day.
Nighttime Planetary hours begin at Sunset, and end at Sunrise the following day.
To calculate Nighttime Planetary Hours, you need to to know the Sunset time for that day, and the time the Sun rises on the following day.
These Sunrise and Sunset times can easily be looked up Here.
These are the 6 Basic Steps for calculating and finding a desired Planetary Hour of which you desire to take advantage.
Basic Planetary Hour Calculations:
- Obtain Beginning hour: (Sunrise for Daytime; Sunset for Nighttime) HERE.
- Obtain Ending Hour: (Sunset for Daytime; next day's Sunrise for Nighttime) HERE.
- Count the whole hours (ignoring any partial, "leftover" minutes until Step #4) between Sunrise/Sunset, etc: Multiply that number of hours by 60, to obtain the first set of minutes
- Add #3's result to "leftover" Minutes (from that final, partial "leftover hour) - Rounding-Off any decimals.
- Divide the result of #4 by 12. This will be the total Length of Planetary Hours in minutes.
- Add this amount of minutes to each consecutive hour obtained - starting at either Sunrise for Daytime Hours, or Sunset for Nighttime Hours - following the Perpetual Sequence until the beginning time for the desired Planetary Hour is reached.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Calculating Daytime Planetary Hours
To find the time to perform a Daytime Magical Love Enhancing Act during on a Monday, under the Planetary auspices of Venus:
- Sunrise on that Monday (beginning the Planetary Hour of the Moon) is at 6:05am.
- Sunset is at 7:02pm (ending the Daytime Planetary Hour of Saturn, and beginning the Nighttime Planetary Hour of Jupiter).
- From 6:05 to 6:05pm is 12 whole hours. Multiply that 12 by 60 to get 720 minutes.
- Add the "leftover" minutes from the final, partial hour - 6:05pm to 7:02pm (57 minutes) to #3. The result is 777 minutes.
- Dividing 777 by 60 gives the length of each Daytime Planetary Hour = 64.75 minutes. Rounded-off to 65 minutes.
Starting at the Moon Hour at Sunrise Time - 6:05am - add 65 minutes to each hour, following the Perpetual Sequence until a Venus Hour is reached. The resulting time is the Planetary Hour for the Daytime Venusian Spellwork to begin.
Don't get too anal about it (this is me, talking to me as well as to you)...because Planetary influences overlap each other in increasing and diminishing cycles, you'll be just fine planning your Magickal Works according to the slightly approximated times calculated.
* According to your calculations, what approximate time does the Daytime Venus-Ruled Hour begin and end? (The Answer is at the bottom of this page)
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Calculating Nighttime Planetary Hours
The same calculations work for Nighttime Hours,
Let's go through this equation together...
- Sunset on Monday is at 7:31pm (beginning the Planetary Hour of Jupiter).
- Tuesday's Sunrise is at 6:03am (ending the Nighttime Planetary Hour of Mars).
- From 7:31pm Monday Night to 5:31am the following morning, the period is 10 whole hours. Multiply that 10 by 60, getting 600 minutes.
- Add the "leftover" minutes from 5:31am to 6:03am (32 minutes) to #3, and the result is 632 minutes.
- Dividing 632 by 12 gives the length of each Nighttime Planetary Hour = 52.66 minutes. Round-off to 53 minutes.
Caveat: Again, rounding-off fractions results in approximate lengths of Planetary Hours.
And again, don't get too anal about it (this is me, talking to me, as well as you again)...because Planetary influences overlap each other in increasing and diminishing cycles, you'll be just fine planning your Magickal Works according to the slightly approximated times calculated.
** According to your calculations, what approximate times do the Nighttime Venus-Ruled Hours begin and end? (The Answer is at the bottom of this page)
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- The Magickal Influences Of The Planets -
Magickal Influences of the Sun
Astro Sign: Leo;Archangel: Michael ("Mee-kai-el")
Chakra: Sahasrara - Crown
Tarot Trumps: VIII/XI - Strength/Lust
XIX - The Sun
Solar Influences include: Joy, Happiness, Contentment, Celebration, Potency, Success, Fortune, Renown, Ambition, Pride, Tyrany
Magickal Influences of Venus
Astro Signs: Taurus, Libra
Archangel: Uriel ("Urr-ee-el")
Tarot Trumps: III - The Empress
V - The Heirophant
VIII/XI -Adjustment/Justice
Venusian Influences include: Love, Friendship, Connection, Compassion, Peace, Agreements, Cooperation, Fertility, Joy, Can ameliorate jealousy, strife, and promiscuity.
Magickal Influencees of Mercury
Astro Signs: Virgo, Gemini
Archangel: Raphael ("Raw-fie-el")
Chakra: Svadhisthana - Lower Belly
Tarot Trumps: I - The Magician/Magus
VI - The Lovers
IX - The Hermit
Mercurial Influences include: Communication (including media and means), Good Fortune, Gratitude, Gain, Memory, Understanding, Divination, Dreams. Selfishness, Poverty, Forgetfulness.
Astro Signs: Virgo, Gemini
Archangel: Raphael ("Raw-fie-el")
Chakra: Svadhisthana - Lower Belly
Tarot Trumps: I - The Magician/Magus
VI - The Lovers
IX - The Hermit
Mercurial Influences include: Communication (including media and means), Good Fortune, Gratitude, Gain, Memory, Understanding, Divination, Dreams. Selfishness, Poverty, Forgetfulness.
Astro Sign: Cancer
Archangel: Gabriel ("Gob-rye-el")
Chakra: Ajna - Third-Eye
Tarot Trumps: II - High Priestess
VII - The Chariot
Lunar Influences include: Psychism, Intuition, Gratitude, Safe Travel, Physical/Mental Health, Protection from enemies, Mental/Emotional Disorders.
Waxing through Full = Works of Receiving/Magnifying; Waning through Dark = Works of Releasing/Diminishing.
Tarot Trumps: II - High Priestess
VII - The Chariot
Lunar Influences include: Psychism, Intuition, Gratitude, Safe Travel, Physical/Mental Health, Protection from enemies, Mental/Emotional Disorders.
Waxing through Full = Works of Receiving/Magnifying; Waning through Dark = Works of Releasing/Diminishing.
Magickal Influences of Saturn
Astro Sign: Capricorn
Chakra: - Visuddha - Throat
Tarot Trumps: XV - The Devil
XVII - The Star
XXII - The Virgin- The Universe
Saturnian Influences include: Safety, Power, Success, Binding, Protection, Intellect, Discord, Melancholy.
Astro Sign: Leo
Chakra: Manipura - Upper Belly
Tarot Trumps: X - Wheel of Fortune
XIV - Art/Temprence
XVIII - The Moon
Jovean Influences include: Gains, Riches, Favor, Peace at home, Cooperation, Appeasing Enemies, Dissolving Enchantments, Recognition, Councils, Obtaining employment, Success in Court.
Magickal Influences of Mars
Astro Signs: Aries, Scorpio
Chakra: Muladhara - Spinal Base
Tarot Trumps: IV - The Emporer
XIII - Death
XVI - The Tower
Martian Influences include: War, Male Potency, Victory, Legal Judgements, Submission of Enemies, Bleeding. Barreness, Discord, Conflict, Cognitive disorders/dissonance.
* The Daytime Venus Hour in our practice example begins at approximately 11:30am and ends at approximately 12:35pm.
** The Nighttime Venus Hours in our practice example begin at 7:31pm (Sunset) ending at approximately 8:24pm - then beginning at approximately 2:42am on Tuesday and ending at approximately 3:35am.
Chakra: Muladhara - Spinal Base
Tarot Trumps: IV - The Emporer
XIII - Death
XVI - The Tower
Martian Influences include: War, Male Potency, Victory, Legal Judgements, Submission of Enemies, Bleeding. Barreness, Discord, Conflict, Cognitive disorders/dissonance.
- The Practice Calculation Answers -
* The Daytime Venus Hour in our practice example begins at approximately 11:30am and ends at approximately 12:35pm.
** The Nighttime Venus Hours in our practice example begin at 7:31pm (Sunset) ending at approximately 8:24pm - then beginning at approximately 2:42am on Tuesday and ending at approximately 3:35am.
It is my hope that being able to calculate the Planetary Hours will add to your Magickal "Toolbox" of knowledge and practice.
Having taken you through the Process, I will now recommend a free website for those slackers ;-) who want to simple look up the Planetary Hours. It has easily changed locations, dates and times to accomodate your Magickal needs. The website can be accessed HERE.
Having taken you through the Process, I will now recommend a free website for those slackers ;-) who want to simple look up the Planetary Hours. It has easily changed locations, dates and times to accomodate your Magickal needs. The website can be accessed HERE.
Merlin Emrys
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* Bledsians is Olde English for "Blessings"
Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)
Copyright © 2019 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)