Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Circle of Magick

~ Casting The Magick Circle ~
 With Elemental Watchtowers

The Circle of Magick acts as both a protective shield and an enclosed setting for Magick to be enacted in a condensed form then released into the very fabric of Reality.

I originally learned the rudiments of simple Circle-casting when I was involved in Witchcraft, in my late teens.  

Over the years, I've picked up additional ideas and processes and the procedure has evolved into the intricate, exceptionally powerful process I perform nowadays, with excellent results.

One essential Law of Magick I have consistently experienced is that Clockwise movements actualize Magickal Intention into a substantial state of Manifestation ... while Counterclockwise  movements shift such Manifestations back into the dormant state of Potentiality.  This is a consistent trend in all my Magickal procedures.

Like many Witches, Wiccans, Wizards & Sorcerers, I most often cast the Circle on the floor or ground large enough to comfortably  contain an Altar, impliments, and however many persons will be occupying the space - 6, 9, 12 up to 15 or even as large as 21 feet, as is sufficient. 

It helps greatly to mark-out the chosen diameter of the circle on the floor.  Some crafty folks make a circle about 5 inches wide with fabric.  Others mark the floor with chalk.  

I prefer keeping it simple, marking the four directions - indicating the area for each of the Elemental Watchtowers - with rocks.   I then delineate the curve of the Circle with three smaller stones between each of the directional rocks.

(Sometimes I cast a Circle around just the Magickal Work positioned on a table or other surface.)

Then, using a checklist written sometime  beforehand, I place whatever Altar-surface I've chosen, and all the needed items for the SpellWorks planned, neatly arranged in the space inside the Circle.

It's my experience that Casting the Magickal Circle creates a sphere, with the Circle cast being the diameter that sphere, which extends above and below that diameterical boundry.

Residing in the northern hemisphere, I always begin Circle Casting in the Northern Direction, taking advantage of the strong electro-magnetic energy-currents flowing down from magnetic North Pole. 

I then face the appropriate Elemental direction casting Spells.

The Elemental Watchtower 
Pentagrams and Sigils

Whilst Casting the Circle, as I compose the Elemental Watchtowers, I embed simple but highly powerful Sigils into the Pentagrams - that inherently contain and manifest the Magickal Essence of each Element. 

These Sigils are based on a dream I had of them, and were developed through on my training and experience working in the Vedic Chakra science called Chakra Agni Tattva Vidya which I learned from Hariakhan Baba in my mid 20s, as well as my years pursuing Reiki and other forms of Vibrational Healing.

I've also included herein, the procedures for Opening and Closing Doorways in the Circle,   affording the Magkian the opportunity to exit and  re-enter the Circle whenever necessary.

Casting can be done with your hand, or Tool such as a Wand or an Athame.

~ Casting the Circle of Magick ~

These instructions are for Casting a Circle on the Floor or Ground.  You can Cast a Circle on a table, by modifying these instructions accordingly. Also, "Tool" refers to a Wand or Athame.

Stand facing North - an arm's length behind the intended perimeter of the Circle.
Using your Hand/Tool, draw/Visualize the Purple Invoking Pentagram of Spirit.

Draw/Visualize the Purple Spirit Invoking Sigil inside the Center of the Active Spirit Pentagram.

The Left Loop is of Spirit, 
the Right Loop is Materiality.

Draw/Visualize the Green Earth Element Invoking Sigil over the Purple Spirit Invoking Sigil just drawn.

Draw/Visualize the Green Invoking Pentagram 
of the Earth Element over the Purple Spirit Pentagram already in place, while intoning 
the Northern Watchtower of Earth
Invocation Charm.

Turn Hand/Tool down pointing to the place where the Circle continues on floor/ground.
Moving backwards to East, draw/visualize a line of Electric-Blue Fire manifesting 1/4th of the Circle from North to East, with Hand/Tool.

Facing East, raise Hand/Tool upward, pointing outward to East.

Draw/Visualize the Purple Invoking
Pentagram of Spirit.

Draw/Visualize the Purple Spirit Invoking Sigil
inside the Center of the Active Spirit Pentagram.
The Left Loop is of Spirit,
the Right Loop is Materiality.

Draw/Visualize the Yellow Air Element Invoking Sigil over the Spirit Invoking Sigil just drawn.

Draw/Visualize the Yellow Invoking Pentagram
of the Air Element Clockwise over the Purple
Spirit Invoking Pentagram already in place, while intoning the Eastern Watchtower of
Air Invocation Charm.

Turn Hand/Tool down pointing to the place where the Circle will continue on floor/ground.

Moving backwards to South, draw/visualize a line of Electric-Blue Fire manifesting 1/4th of the Circle from East to South from Hand/Tool.

Facing South, raise Hand/Tool upward, pointing outward to South. 

Draw/Visualize the Purple Invoking
Pentagram of Spirit.

Draw/Visualize the Purple Spirit Invoking Sigil
inside the Center of the Active Spirit Pentagram.
The Left Loop is of Spirit,
the Right Loop is Materiality.

Draw/Visualize the Red Fire Element Invoking Sigil over the Spirit Invoking Sigil just drawn.

Draw/Visualize the Red Invoking Pentagram
of the Fire Element over the Purple
Active Spirit Pentagram while intoning the
Southern Watchtower of Fire Invocation Charm.

Turn Hand/Tool down pointing to the place where the Circle will continue on floor/ground/surface.

Moving backwards to West, draw/visualize a line of Electric-Blue Fire manifesting 1/4th of the Circle from South to West, with Hand/Tool.

Facing West, raise Hand/Tool upward, pointing outward toward West. 

Draw/Visualize the Purple Invoking
Pentagram of Spirit.

Draw/Visualize the Purple Spirit Invoking Sigil
inside the Center of the Spirit Pentagram.
The Left Loop is of Spirit,
the Right Loop is Materiality.

Draw/Visualize the Blue Water 
Element Invoking Sigil over the
Spirit Invoking Sigil just drawn.

Draw/Visualize the Blue Invoking Pentagram
of the Water Element 
over the Purple 
Spirit Pentagram already in place while 
intoning the Western Watchtower 
of Water Invocation Charm.

Turn Hand/Tool down pointing to the place where the Circle will continue on floor/ground/surface.

Moving backwards to North, draw/visualize a line of Electric-Blue Fire manifestding 1/4th of the Circle from West to North, completing the Circle.

The Circle Has Been Cast

Say What? -

The words we speak aloud are an essential factor in Invoking the Elemental Watchtowers.  
This is my Element Watchtower Invocation Charm:
Hallow of The (Earth/Air/Fire/Water) -
Hear my voice! And if You Will,
Please Come, Attend!
And to the Magicks I shall cast,
Your Sacred Power, lend!

You have my permission use this Charm when Calling the Elemental Watchtowers in your personal Magick pursuits, but it's always best to write the Charms you speak in your own words

Releasing the Magick Circle ~

Releasing the Magick Circle both allows the power of the Spells cast within it to fully permeate the fabric of Manifest Reality, while allowing the Elemental Watchtower Powers to return to their natural other-dimensional place.

The process is essentially the same as Casting the Magick Circle, but in reverse.

Stand facing North - at arm's length behind the Circle's perimeter.

Raise Hand/Tool upward, pointing outward to North. 

Draw the Releasing Pentagram of the Earth Element, visualizing the Green lines
of the Pentagram disappearing back into
the Hand/Tool while intoning
the Northern Watchtower of Earth
Releasing Charm.

Draw the Earth Element Releasing Sigil laying over the still-existing Purple Spirit Sigil, visualizing the lines of this Sigil disappearing back into Hand/Tool.

Draw the Spirit Releasing Sigil inside the Center of the still-existing Purple Spirit Pentagram visualizing the lines of the Sigil 
disappearing back into Hand/Tool.
The Right Loop is Materiality, 
The Left Loop is of Spirit.
Draw the Releasing Pentagram of Spirit, visualizing the Purple lines of the 
Pentagram disappearing into the Hand/Tool.

Turn Hand/Tool down pointing to the place where the Circle was completed on floor/ground.
With Hand/Tool pointing down, move backwards to West, visualize the Circle's line of Electric-Blue Fire disappearing as if being drawn back into the Hand/Tool. 

Facing West, raise Hand/Tool upward, pointing outward to West. 

Draw the Releasing Pentagram of the Water Element, visualizing the Blue lines of the Pentagram disappearing back into the 
Hand/Tool while intoning the Northern Watchtower of Earth Releasing Charm.

Draw the Water Element Releasing Sigil,
laying over the still-existing Purple Spirit Sigil, visualizing the lines of this Sigil disappearing back into Hand/Tool.

Draw the Spirit Releasing Sigil inside the Center of the still-existing Purple Spirit Pentagram visualizing  the lines of the Sigil 
disappearing back into Hand/Tool.
The Right Loop is Materiality, 
The Left Loop is of Spirit.
Draw the Releasing Pentagram of Spirit, visualizing the lines of the Pentagram disappearing back into the Hand/Tool.

Turn Hand/Tool pointing down, and move backwards to South, visualizing the Circle's line of Electric-Blue Fire disappearing as if being drawn back into the Hand/Tool.

Facing South, raise Hand/Tool upward, pointing outward to South.

Draw the Releasing Pentagram of the 
Fire Element, visualizing the lines of the Pentagram disappearing back into the 
Hand/Tool while intoning the Southern Watchtower of Fire Releasing Charm.

Draw the Fire Element Releasing Sigil laying over the still-existing Purple Spirit Sigil, visualizing the lines of this Sigil 
disappearing back into Hand/Tool.

Draw the Spirit Releasing Sigil inside the 
Center of the still-existing Purple Spirit Pentagram visualizing the lines of the Sigil disappearing back into Hand/Tool.
The Right Loop is Materiality,
The Left Loop is of Spirit.

Draw the Releasing Pentagram of  Spirit, visualizing the lines of the Pentagram disappearing back into the Hand/Tool.

Turn Hand/Tool pointing down, and move backwards to East, visualizing the Circle's line of Electric-Blue Fire disappearing as if being drawn back into the Hand/Tool.

Facing East, raise Hand/Tool upward, pointing outward to East. 

Draw the Releasing Pentagram of the Air Element Counterclockwise, visualizing 
the lines of the Pentagram disappearing 
back into the Hand/Tool while intoning the Eastern Watchtower of Air Releasing Charm.

Draw the Air Element Releasing Sigil laying 
over the Still-existing Purple Spirit Sigil, visualizing the lineof the Sigil disappearing 
back into Hand/Tool.

Draw the Spirit Releasing Sigil inside the 
Center of the still-existing Purple Spirit Pentagram visualizing  the lines of the 
Sigil disappearing back into Hand/Tool.
The Right Loop is Materiality, 
The Left Loop is of Spirit.
Draw the Releasing Pentagram of Spirit, visualizing the lines of the Pentagram disappearing back into the Hand/Tool.

Turn Hand/Tool pointing down, and move backwards to North, where the Circle was first begun, visualizing the Circle's line of Electric-Blue Fire disappearing as if being drawn back into the Hand/Tool. The Circle & Elemental Watchtowers are now Released.

The Circle Has Been Released ~

- Say What Again? -
The words we speak aloud are also an essential factor in Releasing the Elemental Watchtowers. 
This is my Element Watchtower Releasing Charm:

Hallow of The (Earth/Water/Fire/Air) -
Grateful for Your Watchful Keep,
And Sacred Power You kindly lend,
I bid you go ... Farewell for now -
Until we come to meet again!

(You have my permission use this Charm when Releasing the Elemental Watchtowers in your personal Magick pursuits, but it's always best to write the Charms you speak in your own words)

Creating Doorways for Exiting 
and Re-entering the Circle

Stuff happens, despite our best planning and preparation.  There will be times when you realize a need to go outside the Circle, but are not ready to Release the Circle altogether.
This is my tried & true method of Opening & Closing a Doorway in the Circle.

Exiting The Circle

Be sure you are not creating a Doorway in the place where an Elemental Watchtower stands...

Using your Hand or Tool,draw a line into a portion of the Circle as indicated by number 1,
visualizing the electric-blue Fire disappearing back into the Hand/Tool.
This movement is counterclockwise, the same direction you follow when Releasing the Circle.

Then continue by drawing an archway 
as indicated by number 2.
This movement is Clockwise, thus actively 
cutting an opening into the Vertical Energetic Wall that extends upward from the Circle.

Quickly step through the Doorway and Immediately Close the Doorway as indicated below ...

Using your Hand or Tool, draw a line into the now missing portion of the Circle as indicated
by number 1, visualizing the electric-blue
Fire reconnecting and Completing the Circle.
This movement is clockwise, the same direction
you follow when Casting the Circle.

Then continue by drawing an archway 
as indicated by number 2
This movement is Counterclockwise, thus disappearing the Archway opening in the 
Vertical Energetic Wall that extends 
upward from the Circle.

Congratulations - you have Magically 
exited the Circle while maintaining
its Energetic integrity!

Re-entering The Circle

To Re-enter the Circle, use your Hand or Tool to draw a line into a portion of the Circle as indicated by number 1, visualizing the electric-blue Fire disappearing back into the Hand/Tool.
This movement is counterclockwise, the same direction you follow when Releasing the Circle.

Then continue by cutting an archway into the Vertical Energetic "Wall" that extends upward from the Circle, as indicated by number 2.
This movement is Clockwise, thus actively 
cutting an opening into the Vertical Energetic Wall that extends upward from the Circle.

Quickly step through the Doorway and Immediately Close the Doorway as indicated below ...

Using your Hand or Tool, draw a line into that now missing portion of the Circle as indicated 
by number 1, visualizing the electric-blue 
Fire filling-in and reconnecting and 
Completing the Circle.
This movement is clockwise, the same direction
you follow when Casting the Circle

Then continue by drawing an archway 

as indicated by number 2

This movement is Counterclockwise, thus disappearing the Archway opening in the 
Vertical Energetic Wall that extends 
upward from the Circle.

Congratulations - you have Magically 
re-entered the Circle while maintaining
its Energetic integrity!

Copyright © 2020 Merlin Emrys (aka W.A. Ryan)

There is a PDF File of these instructions available on request.  If you would like a copy, please email me at the address below.

You may print one copy to be used by yourself in your personal Magickal pursuits.  

Please do not copy or distribute these instructions for any other reason without my express, written permission.

Send your Requests by Email